Wednesday, 1 April 2009

It's good to share

I feel like I must have learnt something over the last few months since setting up Ochre & Ocre - certainly about SEO and website marketing. The fact I even use the acronym SEO now, as opposed to those not in the know who say "what?" when I say that's what I spend an awful lot of time doing!
(Ok- it means Search Engine optimisation!)
I've attended a few free courses over at Warwick University, and also one run by Anne Hallam which was excellent - and I can now help others and share my knowledge.
The one really nice thing about being a small business is helping other small businesses and trying to share what knowledge you have picked up - to hopefully make it easier for someone else.
It's a philosophy I've picked up from the cool team at Blue Earth Solutions, who created the website for Ochre And Ocre, who are always willing to give their advice - and not charge!
I spent the morning helping Sharon relook at her site -, as it was built a few years ago now, and using some of the simple things I've picked up on the courses to remarket it.
I know I'm no expert - not geeky enough! - but some of the SEO stuff is quite fun - as you feel like you're cracking a code. (Did I say I wasn't geeky?)
I love that warm fluffy feeling you get from helping other people - I'm a great believer in Karma - and in doing good, hopefully good will happen to me!
More about spreading the love tomorrow -as I'm already getting feedback from the new Ochre & Ocre newsletter which is great!

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