It's only just gone 9, and already I feel like I've done half a day. Did my usual trip to the gym this morning and ran about 6.5km so left feeling quite refreshed. My gym is down this lovely old lane, where you usually get quire a few dog walkers early in the morning - but this morning there was this little old sheepdog wandering down the road by herself. I was going to drive past, but I thought I had better stop and check she was alright. I managed to catch the dog and found a tag on her collar, but I let go to go and fetch my mobile out of the car - and the dog decided it wasn't hanging around. After a few unsuccessful attempts at trying to catch her again I had to give up - I just hope her owners will appear.
I got back home - and was just stepping out of the shower when I saw two young bulls wandering past. Nothing strange with that, except they were in the wheat field, and should be in the shed behind our house. I tried to call the farmer next door, no answer, so I ended up running round the field this morning, with dripping wet hair, with my other neighbour and two dogs, rounding the bulls back up.
I hope the rest of the day is a bit more predictable. Looking forward to the weekend as I have a few of my friends coming over. Amy is bringing her new puppy, a very cute little Sussex spaniel, who has really big eyes and soft fur. Gert my old bulldog, being the grand dame she is, is not that impressed with young whipper snappers, so most of the weekend will undoubtedly be spent separating the two dogs!
I love sitting round the dinner table with my friends; the table being properly dressed of course with the finest Ochre & Ocre table linen. It's a lot more relaxing than being in a restaurant where they are always clock watching, and with us all watching our purse strings, it's a lot more economical as well.
Now I've caught my breath - I'd better get back to work!
Your dinner table looked fabulous as always and the food was delicious too....agree that staying in means not clockwatching I just have to apologise to you that it also means me falling asleep way too early!! Thanks for a lovely evening - hope Gert manages to catch up on her sleep after the trauma of having a puppy jumping around wanting to play all weekend. Mx