As with all businesses things change and evolve, and Fiona & I have decided to change the way we operate, and will now run as to separate companies. We have found that the UK & French markets are very different, and whereas online shopping is quite evolved in the UK, in France it is still emerging, and the style of websites in France are quite different to the UK.
It's one of those things you live and learn, and in hindsight setting up to tackle two countries maybe wasn't such a great idea, but it was a catalyst that got Ochre & Ocre to the stage its at now.
Also tastes are quite different - so we can hopefully tailor our ranges more to our unique local cultures!
On the surface things won't be that different, On the admin side I will be relieved not to deal with 3 bank accounts! (One of which I can't even understand the statement!)
I no longer have to pretend I'm going to learn french - and I can go back to my pigeon Italian - which I find so much easier!
Sales are still really tough - but reading an article in the Sunday Times, about The English Grocer, a very smart deli set up by an ex Tesco senior exec - I can't help but feel relieved that at least I only own stock and have no staff or rent to contend with at the moment. Ok so the last 6 months I have basically been running to stand still - but I have learnt so much, much more than if I had stated at Next, I hope it will help me get through the next 6 months. He was open for 1 year before having to close, and the stock / rent investment incurred would have been much more substantial.
On the day to day running of Ochre & Ocre front we are off to Tewkesbury show this weekend - I hope the weather stays fine. As my first food show with Ochres it will be interesting to see if we get a better reaction? The May newsletter has gone out, with some great offers from the likes of EcoCentric, and savings on Good Food show tickets- I hope people actually find it an interesting read.
With all these changes the Business plan needs to be redone - but I hope it will help focus me on getting as much as I can out of the next year. I'd better get on with it!
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
A quiet week

Things seem very quiet this week, I'm not sure if it's because everyone has been waiting to see what the budget brings. The one bonus has been that I've caught up on all those odd jobs that I've been putting off for ages, and getting things ready for the forthcoming shows.
Ochre & Ocre are going to be at Tewkesbury Food & Drink festival next weekend, I'm hoping it is going to be busy. Having taken part in so many shows in the run up to Christmas, the thought of standing there bored all day is not worth bearing. The good thing about food shows is that there is usually something to watch, (Tewkesbury has a cookery theatre) and food and drink to sample! It should at least keep my long suffering husband entertained, as the problem with shows is its hard to do it all yourself, with carrying the stock, to grabbing a break.If nothing else we're guaranteed to come home with a local cheese!
Paul & I will be wearing our finest Ochre & Ocre organic aprons, and if we get bored may even end up putting on a puppet show with the finest Ochre & Ocre organic gauntlets!!
It will be the first time that our new range of napkin rings will be on sale, I hope they will get a good reaction. Jo sent me the first finished pics yesterday and they look stunning. Are new wooden napkin rings went on the site last week, but no sales yet.
Still looking for exciting new additions to the range, as ever waiting for responses from suppliers!
Just sussed out how to add pics to blog as well -so hope they will be more interesting!
Friday, 17 April 2009
Self Employed for One Year!
It's a year to the day that I chucked in my well paid job, with company car, health care, substantial shopping discount and world travel opportunities to work from home, trying to start up a new business in probably the toughest trading conditions for a long while.
In my defence when I had handed my notice in 6 months prior to that the recession was hinted at, but it seemed a bit of press hype.
So was it worth it? Like most anniversaries you do tend to mull over your past year, what you've achieved, and what you've missed, and I have to say yes. I have met so many lovely people who I would never have met if I had stayed in my comfort zone. Firstly Fiona for setting up a business with me, she must be mad! The lovely Kim from Lavender Ladies, who I meet up with every now and again for a chat and sanity. Phillippe from Blue Earth Solutions, who is my Sage - always willing to help and listen. Jo Verity the very cool jeweller, who like me is just setting up. It's also brought me closer to my friends who have supported me by helping at shows, (thank you mary!), putting up with my appalling book keeping, (Amy you are a very patient person!), and Lindsey who has helped to create the look of Ochre & Ocre, and who is a real rock.
I go to the gym most mornings, so despite the stress of self employment I am fitter and healthier!
I get to spend more time with Gert, the coolest bulldog in the world.
And I believe I have a product range that has good credentials, looks nice and is well made - there is just some work still to do in making other people aware of it!
So in the true tradition of anniversaries I will be opening a bottle of wine with Paul to toast to the future - and new opportunities. Yes it's scary, but like my favourite proverb: We must risk going too far, to discover just how far we can go".
In my defence when I had handed my notice in 6 months prior to that the recession was hinted at, but it seemed a bit of press hype.
So was it worth it? Like most anniversaries you do tend to mull over your past year, what you've achieved, and what you've missed, and I have to say yes. I have met so many lovely people who I would never have met if I had stayed in my comfort zone. Firstly Fiona for setting up a business with me, she must be mad! The lovely Kim from Lavender Ladies, who I meet up with every now and again for a chat and sanity. Phillippe from Blue Earth Solutions, who is my Sage - always willing to help and listen. Jo Verity the very cool jeweller, who like me is just setting up. It's also brought me closer to my friends who have supported me by helping at shows, (thank you mary!), putting up with my appalling book keeping, (Amy you are a very patient person!), and Lindsey who has helped to create the look of Ochre & Ocre, and who is a real rock.
I go to the gym most mornings, so despite the stress of self employment I am fitter and healthier!
I get to spend more time with Gert, the coolest bulldog in the world.
And I believe I have a product range that has good credentials, looks nice and is well made - there is just some work still to do in making other people aware of it!
So in the true tradition of anniversaries I will be opening a bottle of wine with Paul to toast to the future - and new opportunities. Yes it's scary, but like my favourite proverb: We must risk going too far, to discover just how far we can go".
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Sunshine In Wales
Can you believe it, it wasn't raining in Wales! We went home to visit my parents this weekend, they farm on the Welsh borders near Hay On Wye. The weather was lovely - hot and sunny, and I managed to catch a few rays whilst sat in my mums garden.
Paul & I went to Pembridge Terracotta on the Saturday - or at least that was what we were hoping to do -only to find out that they closed down a few years ago!
Paul was not so upset, as we stopped for a drink at The New Inn in Pembridge, and sat outside and had a bottle of the local cider, Black Fox.
Spookily in The Sunday Times, Whichford Terracotta were advertising their seconds sale this weekend, which is right on my doorstep, so we went there yesterday and have made enquiries about doing a small pot for Ochre & Ocre. I have a few ideas of possible table decorations that would be perfect for weddings - ably assisted by my friend Kim from Lavender Ladies.
I also went to visit Charlie at The Cut Flower Garden - and suffered severe view envy, as her house has amazing views of Hay Bluff on one side and the Wye valley on the other. She showed me around her lovely gardens, and we talked about working together - I'm really excited that we can start this June. It will be a squeeze trying to get the photos done before the Good Food Show -but it will be a perfect opportunity to promote the new category.
We also popped over to see Peter, the woodturner yesterday and picked up the first few sets of napkin rings. They look really good, very different to the mass produced lines in the high street. I spent today photographing them, and loading them on the site. It will be interesting to see how they sell. Jo has been sending me pics of the beads she is varnishing, for the other napkin rings that are being made. These are going to be really special - and she has managed to find the perfect colour papers to match our Ochre shades.
It's really nice to be adding new things to the site - even though it's only been 6 months, you soon want to see newness. Just waiting for the Linen prices now.......
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Exciting new things!
Don't you love it when you have a productive day? You have ticked off lots of things on your to do list, and you feel like you've actually accomplished something.
I'm very excited about our new link up with The Cut Flower company. They are going to do two bouquets for Ochre & Ocre, a kitchen one and a set of two posies for the dinner table. It completely ties in with our natural, organic ethos, and working with small companies. Sorting out how it works on the website will be interesting - but I know Phillippe will be able to solve it!
I've spoken to Charlie the owner on the phone, and she sounded lovely, so I'm looking forward to meeting her this weekend.
Talking of which can't wait to see the napkin rings that Jo has done for us, I'm hoping through linking with us,she should also get more sales on her jewellery.
Just spoke to Adriano, our man in Portugal. His english is so good, it makes me ashamed at my lack of foreign languages, (but only for a while - I can't fit much more in at the moment!).
Pushing ahead with the organic linen range, looking forward to getting it on line and seeing what the customer reaction will be.
I'm collecting the wooden napkin rings on Monday - they looked great in the pictures, I just hope they live up to expectations.
I really love adding all this newness to the site - but the proof will be in the sales!
I'm very excited about our new link up with The Cut Flower company. They are going to do two bouquets for Ochre & Ocre, a kitchen one and a set of two posies for the dinner table. It completely ties in with our natural, organic ethos, and working with small companies. Sorting out how it works on the website will be interesting - but I know Phillippe will be able to solve it!
I've spoken to Charlie the owner on the phone, and she sounded lovely, so I'm looking forward to meeting her this weekend.
Talking of which can't wait to see the napkin rings that Jo has done for us, I'm hoping through linking with us,she should also get more sales on her jewellery.
Just spoke to Adriano, our man in Portugal. His english is so good, it makes me ashamed at my lack of foreign languages, (but only for a while - I can't fit much more in at the moment!).
Pushing ahead with the organic linen range, looking forward to getting it on line and seeing what the customer reaction will be.
I'm collecting the wooden napkin rings on Monday - they looked great in the pictures, I just hope they live up to expectations.
I really love adding all this newness to the site - but the proof will be in the sales!
Monday, 6 April 2009
Trip to Town
I went to the Natural & Organic show today at Olympia. I had been hoping to find some new companies to work with, on joint products for Ochre & Ocre. Unfortunately the show was mainly food or cosmetic based. I came across one company who were doing skincare from herbs they were growing themselves in Eardisley - only 5 miles from where I used to live.(Herbfarmacy) I always find it really interesting when you come across these little businesses that have started up in really rural locations. It kind of gives me hope that I can make Ochres work.
I went for a wander down Kensington High Street after - as I have been to The Wholefood Market in New York, but had not seen the one in the old Barkers store. It was really impressive, a shrine to all things organic and natural - but unfortunately it was also what is so wrong with some organic companies - it was really pricey, helping reaffirm peoples suspicions that organic costs more. When I did the costing on Ochres I deliberately pitched our range against non organic lines, but of a similar quality, as I don't feel you should pay more just because of a label.
I came away from my day in town, not feeling that inspired but resolving to relook at the business and marketing plan, and to refocus on our direction, as the lack of competition is something we need to shout about.
I went for a wander down Kensington High Street after - as I have been to The Wholefood Market in New York, but had not seen the one in the old Barkers store. It was really impressive, a shrine to all things organic and natural - but unfortunately it was also what is so wrong with some organic companies - it was really pricey, helping reaffirm peoples suspicions that organic costs more. When I did the costing on Ochres I deliberately pitched our range against non organic lines, but of a similar quality, as I don't feel you should pay more just because of a label.
I came away from my day in town, not feeling that inspired but resolving to relook at the business and marketing plan, and to refocus on our direction, as the lack of competition is something we need to shout about.
Friday, 3 April 2009
This Rural Life!!
It's only just gone 9, and already I feel like I've done half a day. Did my usual trip to the gym this morning and ran about 6.5km so left feeling quite refreshed. My gym is down this lovely old lane, where you usually get quire a few dog walkers early in the morning - but this morning there was this little old sheepdog wandering down the road by herself. I was going to drive past, but I thought I had better stop and check she was alright. I managed to catch the dog and found a tag on her collar, but I let go to go and fetch my mobile out of the car - and the dog decided it wasn't hanging around. After a few unsuccessful attempts at trying to catch her again I had to give up - I just hope her owners will appear.
I got back home - and was just stepping out of the shower when I saw two young bulls wandering past. Nothing strange with that, except they were in the wheat field, and should be in the shed behind our house. I tried to call the farmer next door, no answer, so I ended up running round the field this morning, with dripping wet hair, with my other neighbour and two dogs, rounding the bulls back up.
I hope the rest of the day is a bit more predictable. Looking forward to the weekend as I have a few of my friends coming over. Amy is bringing her new puppy, a very cute little Sussex spaniel, who has really big eyes and soft fur. Gert my old bulldog, being the grand dame she is, is not that impressed with young whipper snappers, so most of the weekend will undoubtedly be spent separating the two dogs!
I love sitting round the dinner table with my friends; the table being properly dressed of course with the finest Ochre & Ocre table linen. It's a lot more relaxing than being in a restaurant where they are always clock watching, and with us all watching our purse strings, it's a lot more economical as well.
Now I've caught my breath - I'd better get back to work!
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
It's good to share
I feel like I must have learnt something over the last few months since setting up Ochre & Ocre - certainly about SEO and website marketing. The fact I even use the acronym SEO now, as opposed to those not in the know who say "what?" when I say that's what I spend an awful lot of time doing!
(Ok- it means Search Engine optimisation!)
I've attended a few free courses over at Warwick University, and also one run by Anne Hallam which was excellent - and I can now help others and share my knowledge.
The one really nice thing about being a small business is helping other small businesses and trying to share what knowledge you have picked up - to hopefully make it easier for someone else.
It's a philosophy I've picked up from the cool team at Blue Earth Solutions, who created the website for Ochre And Ocre, who are always willing to give their advice - and not charge!
I spent the morning helping Sharon relook at her site -, as it was built a few years ago now, and using some of the simple things I've picked up on the courses to remarket it.
I know I'm no expert - not geeky enough! - but some of the SEO stuff is quite fun - as you feel like you're cracking a code. (Did I say I wasn't geeky?)
I love that warm fluffy feeling you get from helping other people - I'm a great believer in Karma - and in doing good, hopefully good will happen to me!
More about spreading the love tomorrow -as I'm already getting feedback from the new Ochre & Ocre newsletter which is great!
(Ok- it means Search Engine optimisation!)
I've attended a few free courses over at Warwick University, and also one run by Anne Hallam which was excellent - and I can now help others and share my knowledge.
The one really nice thing about being a small business is helping other small businesses and trying to share what knowledge you have picked up - to hopefully make it easier for someone else.
It's a philosophy I've picked up from the cool team at Blue Earth Solutions, who created the website for Ochre And Ocre, who are always willing to give their advice - and not charge!
I spent the morning helping Sharon relook at her site -, as it was built a few years ago now, and using some of the simple things I've picked up on the courses to remarket it.
I know I'm no expert - not geeky enough! - but some of the SEO stuff is quite fun - as you feel like you're cracking a code. (Did I say I wasn't geeky?)
I love that warm fluffy feeling you get from helping other people - I'm a great believer in Karma - and in doing good, hopefully good will happen to me!
More about spreading the love tomorrow -as I'm already getting feedback from the new Ochre & Ocre newsletter which is great!
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