Our new British collection was really well received at the Spring Fair at the NEC last week. It was a wholesale event, but it was great to get feedback from other retailers. Isabella the blue design was the most popular, and people were loving the fact that it wasn't yet another ditsy floral. The greyed off colourways were also loved - both in the Sage Green and Campden Blue.
We can't wait to get the new collection online - the stock is due to arrive in 2 weeks time. It's really exciting that some really lovely stores up & down the UK will also be carrying our range.
It's funny which items attract the most interest, and our new peg bag was really popular.
No time to rest between shows - Ochre And Ocre are taking part in the Country Living Spring Fair in a few weeks time, so we need to plan our new stand layout, and work out how we are going to fit all of our stock onto a small site. We are there under the WIRE umbrella again, (Women In Rural Enterprise). Jo Verity is also taking a stand there for the first time. Watch out for our March newsletter - we will be giving away some free tickets to the fair.
Really pleased it went so well for you. Love the photo of the stand!