Friday, 22 January 2010

Knobs and Whistles

cupboard doorImage by waferboard via Flickr
Our first big wholesale show is fast approaching - and despite having attended it for over 15 years as a Buyer, being on the other side fills me with nervous anticipation!
We were very excited when our giant backdrops arrived this week, which will form part of our stand. Using images of the Fired Earth kitchens taken by Rachel Spivey, the full size kitchens look really impressive.
One of my important jobs this week was knob buying, (no jokes please!), as we want to make the 2D image 3D. Now I can't take any of the credit for this cunning plan, but our thanks do go to Jo Verity, who before she became jewelery and homewares designer she was a visual merchandiser, and so has a brilliant eye for all things display. (Her stands at shows are always works of art).
With the knobs duly purchased and matchpot paint to paint the knobs we tried to mock up the layout for the show.
Our hall temporarily became exhibition space, with tape and rulers marking out the space. I filled up the hall with mannequins, small tables, and all our other props, and I am relieved to say it seems to be coming together. Unfortunately / and fortunately a phonecall from the estate agents requesting a viewing of our house cut short the pre run, and I had to lug all the props back into the store. There followed a period of Monica like madness where I hoovered, dusted and polished and titivated the house in readiness for the viewing.
But I think we are nearly there; the invitations have gone out, the samples are nearly ready, so I just need to get busy with the velcro and knobs!
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