The strange thing about this self employed lark is that there is no set routine. Where I have worked in big corporations before, set things happen on set days; meetings about the figures, meetings about ranges, meetings about meetings. Working on your own there is none of that, but it still never ceases to amaze me how bizarre my week can be sometimes.
Today I had my 5 minutes of fame on the local radio station. It was a bit of a cheesy daily feature about local businesses, who get a song played of their choice if they let someone go home early. There in lies the problem; I work on my own, from home, so I guess I might just log off a bit earlier tonight instead!
On the plus side the DJ was great and mentioned Ochre And Ocre loads, so you never know what it might bring.
Gert as usual was trying to get involved by snoring very loudly from her box - I woke her up just before my allotted time and tried to move her from my office onto the sofa. But I should have listed to that old adage "let sleeping dogs lie", because snoring is nothing compared to barking, as she decided she wanted to be let out several times in a row, just before I went "live".
I am off to Marlborough tomorrow for a show. It is a fund raiser for Cancer Research, a cause I am quite passionate about, but apparently we are in for a few days of sun shine, so I hope the local Marlbourians turn up, and don't have a garden day.
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