Thursday, 19 November 2009

Insider Secrets

ChristmasImage via Wikipedia
One of the best things about doing so many Christmas shows is that you get to do your Christmas shopping in work time - and you can get something unique, often handmade, and not available on the high street.
So I thought I ought to share a few more of the lovely stalls I have come across recently.
A surprise one I came across whilst at Upper Rissington last week was Herb Farmacy. I say surprise, as they are actually from my home area, and I never knew they were there when I was growing up in Herefordshire.
They had a really lovely range of Organic skin care, made using herbs they've grown on their farm in Eardisley. They all smell lovely  - I may have purchased a few stocking fillers!
Again on an Organic theme, I met Plush chocolates at Ettington last week - they make delicious Fairtrade chocolates in Warwickshire.
Their website is not yet up and running - but one to keep an eye out for is Pandora Rose - beautiful flowing dresses - as my friends know I love a pretty dress!
Another site for pretty, and unique clothing is Linen Lawn. They had a stand at the Country Living show last week - Liberty esque prints in a soft cotton - and cute little blouses. 
I met quite a few local businesses at Northleach over the weekend - I know I've mentioned Naked Soap before, but its well worth trying to catch up with them at a show, as they have some great Crimbo pressie ideas - the Epsom Bath salts smell divine.
The Cotswold Ice Cream Company may not be top of your shopping list - but ice cream does go beautifully with Christmas pud!
If you are looking for inspiration for the smaller people in your family - check out Keke Interiors.
With more shows still to do, I'm sure I'll come across a few more gems over the next few weeks - I'll keep you posted.

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