Our new hampers also got a great reaction, and a few local businesses who normally send M&S hampers to their clients were pleased to find a local alternative.
Unfortunately the new Venetien Red did not make it in time, but a lot of people were thinking about Christmas already. Our Christmas gift ideas leaflet proved very popular.
Our Organic Linen Table linen drew a great response - as when you get to see and feel the quality peope really appreciate just how beautiful it is.
As always at shows you get to meet lots of interesting characters, as well as networking with other small businesses. We were opposite French Flavour - who had a lovely range of smoked garlic, sparkling cider and wines amongst other items. Look out for future collaborations on our newsletters.
We have a bit of a break from shows for a few weeks now before we get into the silly Christmas show season, with lots of charity fairs, as well as the big Good Food Show in November at the NEC.
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